Saturday, March 24, 2007

3 days post Op!!

I finally got some sleep last night. Although it still wasn't solid sleep, I managed to do more than just doze. I still couldn't get fully comfortable, but I guess I was so tired in the end I didn't really care how much it hurt, just the fact i wanted to sleep!! I'm still feeling pretty tired and warn out today. Today's the first day I've really felt my tummy hurting from all the incisions. I don't feel as full of wind today which is a great thing. I'm still getting an odd wind pain here and there, but nothing like I was getting in the first 2 days. I think I had a couple of good episodes of passing wind last night while I was sleeping!!

Last night I tried a little chicken noodle soup. not the creamy type. Just the plain chicken broth with some noodles. I only managed to have about 3 mouthfuls and I was full. I didn't seem to have any problems at all with them. I made sure I left the noodles to sit for about 10 minutes before I ate them so they were nice and soft. I didn't feel like anything much more than just broth this morning, so I just had my plain vegetable clear broth and a jelly. It's amazing how those two things are quite satisfying and fill you right up!!

I'm having no problems at all moving around. the only time I do cringe and feel it is when i am going from lying down to sitting up and trying to roll over in bed. Apart from that I don't feel anything. I think I was quite lucky as I haven't experienced hardly any pain in my shoulder. I know quite a few people have experiences the shoulder tip pain. I only got a couple of aches in the first day and they were more twinges than constant pain. The pain has been quite good, but in saying that I have made sure I have kept up with the pain killers and panadol as well. I finished off the anti nauseous tablets today, so I don't have to take them anymore. It wasn't the nicest thing to have to hold on your tongue. It was more of a wafer than a tablet that you swallowed.

Mother in law came to pick Sara up today and she commented on how much weight I have lost already. Mind you, i don't really feel as though I have lost any. My stomach is to bloated and full of wind to feel 'thin'!! LOL

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