Thursday, March 22, 2007

Surviving the First Day Home!!

I've tried to go and lay down a few times now, but the wind pain is just so uncomfortable. I have chewed on a degas tablet, so hopefully that will do the trick. laying down isn't a problem at all. it's a little sore, but no where near as sore as what I thought it was going to be. I have my elbow pillow which is just a god sent. I think I might try a heat pack in a minute and see how that goes.

I had some beef broth for dinner and that went down a treat. I don't think I could of stomached any more, even if i tried. I have passed a bit of wind tonight which has been bliss, but there is still plenty more there that wants out!! I have been sipping on some apple juice and water as well. i made some diet jellies up, so they'll be ready to eat tomorrow. I also made some normal jelly up for the kids so they don't steal mine!!

I've felt a little bit of pain in my left shoulder. It hasn't been too bad. more of a dull ache than a pain. Burping helps eases some wind as well. I'm just a bit scared that something might follow through though, so i am being very careful when burping.

The kids have been great and been giving me kisses and hugs all afternoon. Sarah nearly bawled her eyes out when i showed her the bruises on my arms from where they had the drips in. She was very concerned they had hurt her mummy. I told her that I was fine and that they were just from the needles. I let her touch them and she was convinced then. The kids have seen all my war wounds on my stomach. Callum couldn't quite believe I had 6 dressings, He thought that was pretty special.

Bending over to pick things up has been a bit hard and sitting still in the same spot as well. like i said, moving around seems to be doing the trick. I'm trying not to cough as that does hurt quite a bit. not just in my tummy area, but in my throat. i have had a couple of small peppermint teas today which has been really soothing and helpful.

I think today was much better than I had expected. I don't think I overdid it, but I made sure i kept moving around. I don't really feel any different. i have tried to feel for my port but haven't been able to find it. maybe my tummy is a bit too swollen still. But I don't feel as though I have my band around my tummy. I don't what i was expecting really, but I thought I might have been able to feel some restriction. i know it's only early days yet and I'll probably experience that when I go on mushies and solid foods, but I thought I might have been able to feel something or feel different.

Well here's hoping to a good nights sleep tonight!!


Janet McKinney said...

I followed your link on Ozband here to your blog. Well done on your journey. I had to smile reading your description of yesterday - because it reminded me so much of how I felt the first day when I had my band in 7th Feb. I understand the need to pass wind - I did it regularly for several days, and it felt good!

You will feel the port in a few days - and it is kinda exciting to feel it there. I found myself holding my stomach - just like you do when you are pregnant - to protect it!

I had my first fill last week, and felt restriction for a couple of days, but that has passed now. I go back again on Monday for some more fill.

Look after yourself won't you. It will take a few days to get your strength back and feel totally comfortable with the band

All the best
Janet McKinney

LapBandGirl said...

Yaaaaaaaay Heidi! You did it, you're a bandster! Your description of how you felt after surgery was exactly how I felt (although I don't think I got as much wind pain as you..). I'm so glad that you're feeling good and are getting back to normal (slowly).

Now the fun begins! Can't wait to hear how you handle your first few days and weeks as a bandit! :)

Erika xx